THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHHer Doctrine and MoralsFifteenth Sunday after Pentecost10 September 2023 |
The SundaySermon
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Dear Friends,
God is the source of all life, of all being or existence. All that we have and all that we are, have come from Him. Jesus is Life. Our lives are gifts from God, and He has given us a free will, implying we can do what we want with this gift. However, we should understand that there are corresponding responsibilities with every right we are given. We will each have to give an account of the life that we were given.
Therefore, we must learn what God wants us to do with this life that He has given us and then do all that we can to accomplish this. Our Catechism lessons teach us that God made us to know, love, and serve Him in this world so that we may be happy with Him in Heaven.
In today's Gospel reading, Jesus restores life to a dead man and returns him to his widowed mother. While the man has free will, we should also note that God has a definite plan in mind when He restored life to the young man. His life is for the benefit of his mother. Our lives are not our own, they first belong to God, but then we exist for the benefit of those around us.
The life of parents is lived for their children. Children's lives are for their parents, as seen in today's Gospel reading. Jesus restored life to the young man and gave him to his mother. The life of a husband is for his wife; the life of a wife is for her husband. Our own lives are never our own.
It is a demonic suggestion to pregnant women that they have a right to do whatever they want with their bodies. Or that their bodies are their own. Our lives are not our own, so neither are our bodies our own. Our bodies, as with our lives, first and foremost belong to God. Secondarily, they belong to us, and finally, they belong to those around us who are dependent upon us. We should also recall that the infant's life within the woman's body is not the woman's; this infant is a different life and a different body than that of the mother. The pre-born infant has a life and body created by God and is endowed by God with the same rights and obligations as the mother.
Yes, the mother must give of herself for the child's life, but the mother's life is just as dependent on the lives of others. The widow in today's Gospel reading is dependent and relies upon the support of her son.
We are all interconnected and dependent upon one another. We are never alone. All our words and actions affect those around us especially those who love or depend upon us. We can see that this extends well beyond those immediately surrounding us. Our food is often raised, processed, and shipped to us by unseen or unknown lives far removed from our daily associations. Our works likewise benefit or harm the lives of others we may never know or see.
Everyone on this earth is our neighbor. We are all made by the same God and have the same duties to God. We must love everyone especially those perceived as our enemies. We must pray for their conversions and not fall into the demonic temptation of cursing them. Our prayers, words, and deeds may be the key that opens heaven for them and thus brings greater honor and glory to God.
Parents usually understand very quickly that their lives are for their children. Spouses should likewise understand that their lives belong to each other. Children typically need some help in understanding that their lives are for others. First, God and their parents, then themselves, and finally, those around them.
The deliberate abuse or harming of our lives and bodies is a theft from God, those around us, and even from the entire world. We have a God-given purpose in this world and are not useless eaters, as many misguided souls would have us believe.
In times of darkness, it is not always easy to see or understand what good or what use our lives and bodies are. We should lift our hearts and minds to God to shake off this weight. God did not make us for Hell. If we are still alive, He has some great good in mind for us to accomplish for ourselves and the world around us. We may not be able to see this, but we only need to believe it and be patient, and God will manifest His goodness in us or through us.
When we forget ourselves and live for God and in God and then for the good of others, everything eventually works out well in this world, but even better, we gain eternal life in Heaven.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!
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